Orthoservice Ro+Ten


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The wellbeing of your feet starts with the heel

The wellbeing of your feet starts with the heel

About town, on holiday or playing sport - a heel cup changes your life

We never think about it, but our heels have a hard job to do. With each step we take they take turns to support the weight of our entire body. 

Why not lend a helping hand? Why not lighten their load? Orthoservice heel cups are designed to do just that. 

TaluFIT 50 and TaluFIT 52 are made with a special shock-absorbing polymer that cushions the impact while maintaining a completely normal gait cycle. Soft and anatomically shaped, they slip easily into any type of footwear, even sports shoes

We created Talusoft 04 for those who need a little extra help for conditions like an inflamed heel, tendinitis or bursitis: the heel is literally “cupped” by a special viscoelastic material covered with fabric that helps to distribute the weight much more effectively. 

Talusoft 04 is also the ideal solution for anyone suffering from heel spurs, a very painful bony formation. The heel spur sits in an area of impact absorbing waffle in the centre of the heel cup which offers immediate relief from the pain. 

This summer feel free to enjoy life with no inconveniences or inflammation! 

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